Физико-технологического образование2024-05-30T08:53:41+00:00Оришев Жамшид Баходировичjamshidorishev@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Dear readers and authors!</strong></p> <p>The scientific journal "Physics and Technology Education" was founded in 2020 on the basis of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, a scientific peer-reviewed publication devoted to the issues of physics, astronomy, technological education and professional education. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science, for the degree of doctor of sciences should be published.</p> <p><strong>The mission</strong> of the scientific journal "Physics and Technology Education" is to create an effective platform for scientific interaction between authors and readers. The scientific journal "Physics and Technology Education" includes the following areas:</p> <p>1.Topical issues of physics, astronomy, technology education, vocational education.</p> <p>2.The effectiveness of research in physics and technology education.</p> <p>3.Innovative approaches in teaching physics, astronomy, technology education in higher education, general secondary education, vocational education.</p> <p>The results of scientific work, theses, articles of professors, researchers, graduate students, masters, students and teachers of general education schools, academic lyceums, professional colleges are accepted to this scientific-popular journal.</p> <p><strong>The main</strong> goal of the journal is to promote the development of science in the field of physics and technology education by reflecting the fundamental and practical significant scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers.The languages of publications are Russian, English, Uzbek. Cited in Google Scholar databases. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year)</p> DARSLARIDA EKSPERIMENTLAR O‘TKAZISh USULLARI2024-05-27T08:40:06+00:00Orzigul<p> Ushbu ishda fizika fanidan laboratoriya ishlarini yo‘lga qo‘yish muammolari o‘rganilgan. Laboratoriya ishini o‘qitishning bir shakli deb hisoblasak, u holda asbob-uskunalar amaliy ko‘nikma va malakalarni olishga qaratilgan deyishimiz mumkin. Yangi bilimlarni o‘zlashtirish va ularni mustahkamlash, amaliy ko‘nikma va malakalarni shakllantirish, laboratoriya ishlarining muhim omilidir</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образованиеʼZBEKISTON OLIMALARINING TABIIY VA ANIQ FANLAR RIVOJIGA QO’SHAYOTGAN HISSASI2024-05-26T17:40:17+00:00Zilola<p>Bugungi kunda yurtimizdagi olimlar qatorida ayol olimalarimiz ham faoliyat yuritib kelishmoqda va ular o‘zbekistonda aniq va tabiiy fanlarning rivojlanishiga o‘zlarining hissalarini qo‘shib kelishmoqda. Olimalarimiz asosiy qismi esa hozirgi kunda yurtimizdagi oliy ta’lim muassalarida dars berishmoqda va maktabda ham ishlab maktab o‘quvchilariga bilim berayotgan olima ayollarimiz ham mavjud. Ular o‘zlarining qilgan ishlari yordamida o‘quvchi va talabalarning bilimini oshirib kelishmoqda. O‘zlarini qilgan ishlarini maqoda va tezis ko‘rinishida yurtimiz va xalqaro jurnallarda chop etib kelishmoqda va bu orqali o‘z hamkasblariga bilimlarini ulashib, malaka va ko‘nikmalarini oshirib kelishmoqda</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование ROLE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING OF PHYSICS2024-05-30T08:53:41+00:00Olmos<p>In the article, the problem of digital technologies, the rapid development of the digital infrastructure of educational institutions, the training of personnel with modern digital competencies, the updating of specialties and educational fields taking into account the trends in the labor market, the formation of educational programs based on flexible educational trajectories, the development of the concept of continuous education, as well as , the processes of introduction of artificial intelligence systems in the educational environment are covered. Also, studies aimed at the introduction of digital technologies, which allow planning concrete steps to improve the educational system and change the work of educational institutions, have been carried out and suggestions have been formulated.</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образованиеУСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ АВТОМАТИЧЕСКОЙ ОЧИСТКИ СОЛНЕЧНЫХ БАТАРЕЙ2024-05-26T17:22:10+00:00Hanifa<p> Данное изобретение относится к автоматическим системам очистки солнечных батарей. Устройство очистки солнечных элементов, включающее источник питания, подключенный к солнечному элементу, датчики контроля загрязнения и провода, расположенные на поверхности солнечной панели, характеризуется тем, что провода созданы для вибрации и соединены вместе в сетку. Также был предложен автоматизированный метод очистки солнечных панелей. Изобретение обеспечивает эффективную очистку поверхности солнечного элемента от снега, льда, мусора и других предметов, мешающих преобразованию солнечной энергии</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование TIZIMLAR TAXLILI2024-05-30T08:45:37+00:00Barno Qurbonovabarnoqurbanova6644@gmail.comAbror<p><em>Ushbu maqolada quyosh energiyasidan elektronika elementlari yordamidan foydalanib elektr energiya olish, qolaversa elektronika elementlarining hususiyatlari keltirib o‘tilgan. Quyosh energiyani fotoelektr о‘zgartirgichlar sohasidagi nazariy tadqiqot va amaliy ishlanmalar fotoelektr о‘zgartirgichlarda nurlanish energiyani о‘zgartirishda yuqori FIK bilan amalga oshirish mumkimligini tasdiqlanadi va bu maqsadga erishish uchun asosiy yо‘nalishlar belgilanadi</em></p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образованиеМОДЕЛЬ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ ВНЕШКОЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ В УСЛОВИЯХ РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫХ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫХ СТАНДАРТОВ2024-05-26T17:04:50+00:00Turdixol<p>Целью внеурочной деятельности является создание условий для проявления и развития учашимся своих интересов на основе свободного выбора, постижения духовно-нравственных ценностей и культурных традиций. В процессе обучения у студентов формируется знания к сохранению природных ресурсов и защите природы. Любовь к Родине, ее народу, охрана природы нашей земли, сохранение и приумножение ее богатств – свойства эстетических чувств человека. Формируется способность воспринимать и понимать экологические красоты, увеличиваются их знания о природных изменениях, происходящих в нашей стране</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование OF THE NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSFORMERS THROUGH THE LOAD FACTOR2024-05-30T08:35:38+00:00Barno Qurbonovabarnoqurbanova6644@gmail.comAbror<p><em>This article analyzes the number and capacity of transformers to be installed in order to reduce power losses and improve efficiency in the event of a plant's need for electricity</em></p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR THEIR USE IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS2024-05-26T16:54:20+00:00Turdixol<p>In this work we discuss the information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational processes. Innovative pedagogical processes create the basis not only for the competitiveness of any educational services market, but also for the intensive development of the personality of a teacher and a student, the democratization of interaction and communication between a teacher and a student, the humanization of the educational process, the orientation of students to active learning and self-education, the modernization of educational technologies and, as well as the material and technical base of education, the professionalism of teachers, their creativity determines the direction of development of their searches, plays an important role in the development of students as individuals. Multimedia is the ability to work with different forms of information on a computer: color graphics, dynamic effects in text and graphics, sound output and synthesized music, animation, as well as full-length video clips and videos. Multimedia is a modern computer information technology that allows you to combine text, sound, video, graphics and animation into a single computer system</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование BASED ON CASE TECHNOLOGY2024-05-28T17:05:04+00:00Jaxongir<p>This article presents a methodology for introducing complex case technology into the teaching of physics in technical universities. The relevance of the development of such technology is associated with modern requirements for the level of training of future process engineers, the need to develop their professional competence not only when studying special subjects. To ensure such training, it is advisable to organize practice-oriented classes in physics at a technical university based on a situational approach. The purpose of the article is to scientifically substantiate and describe a model of the process of teaching physics at a technical university, developed on the basis of complex case technology</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование TARBIYA VA SPORT MASHG`ULOTLARI - SOG’LOM TURMUSH TARZINING AJRALMAS QISMI2024-05-25T07:18:58+00:00Anvar<p>Ushbu maqolada bolalar va o‘smirlar sport maktablari voleybolchilarining sakrovchanlik va sakrash chidamkorligi sifatlarini rivojlantirish muammolari haqida fikrlar bildirilgan.</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование o‘ziga xosligini kreativ yondashuv asosida o‘qitishning ahamiyati2024-05-28T15:07:58+00:00Nozima<p>Ushbu maqolada talabalarga mikroolamning o‘ziga xos xususiyatlarini kreativlik asosida o‘qitishda interfaol metodlardan foydalanish va mikroolam zarralarining turlari bilan tanishtirishda kreativlikni qo‘llash, talabalarning kreativ qobiliyatlarining namoyon bo‘lishi haqidadir</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование PHYSICS FOR NON-PHYSICS SPECIALITY ON MODULAR TECHNOLOGY2024-05-27T09:13:48+00:00Utkir Farmonovfarmonov-81@mail<p>In the present article we considered the problem of application of modular educational technology in teaching process of physics for non-physics specialty students. It is given a comparative analysis of the mechanisms of teaching physics based on modular technology in higher education system</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование O’QUV JARAYONLARIDA DASTURIY VOSITALARDAN FOYDALANISH2024-05-27T08:52:04+00:00Utkir Farmonovfarmonov-81@mail<p>Mazkur maqolada oily ta’lim muasasasi Fizika va astronomiya yo’nalishi o’quv jarayonlarini zamonaviy dasturiy vositalar asosida tashkil qilish mazmuni yoritilgan. Zamonaviy vositalar asosida talabalar kreativligini oshirish imkoniyatlari aniqlangan</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование ROLE OF PHYSICS IN STUDENTS' NATURE CONSERVATION2024-05-27T08:34:39+00:00Orzigul<p>In this work we show that in order to prevent the negative consequences of human penetration and intervention in nature, it is necessary to solve a number of scientific-technical, socio-political, economic and other problems, among which the issue of environmental education and upbringing of the young generation is the most important. It has been considered that the growing young generation should be ready to take a careful approach to the natural environment that surrounds us from the threshold of school and a scientific approach</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование ELEKTROSTANSIYASI UCHUN PANELLAR SAMARADORLIGI2024-05-26T17:35:31+00:00Zilola<p>Biz ushbu maqolada alohida olingan avtonom quyosh elektr stansiyasi uchun foto panellarning optimal burchagi nazariy jihatdan aniqlangan. Berilgan avtonom elektr stansiyasi uchun quyosh panellarining optimal burchagi 24,2 daraja ekanligi aniqlangan. Quyosh elektrostansiyasining panellariga tushadigan nurlanish energiyasining maksimal qiymati shu panel va Quyosh orasidagi burilish burchagiga bog‘liqligi ko‘rsatilgan</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование KORXONALARIDA QUVVAT ISROFLARNI REAKTIV QUVVATNI KOMPENSATSIYALASH ORQALI KAMAYTIRISH2024-05-30T08:50:51+00:00Barno Qurbonovabarnoqurbanova6644@gmail.comAbror<p><em>Ushbu maqolada elektr tarmoqlarida quvvat isroflarni reaktiv quvvatni kompensatsiyalash orqali kamaytirish masalasining qo‘yilishi, uni yechish usullari va optimal reaktiv quvvatni hisoblash algoritmlari keltirilgan</em></p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование OF DUST DEPOSITION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS2024-05-26T17:19:13+00:00Hanifa<p>It is well known that the solar energy is converted into electrical energy directly using semiconductor materials used in photovoltaic (PV) panels. Despite great advances in semiconductor materials technology, panel efficiency has remained quite low in recent years. Panel performance is affected by many factors such as tilt angle, shading, dust, solar radiation, temperature and conductor losses. In this work, a preliminary study was conducted on the effect of dust deposition on the performance of a PV system. The research included indoor simulations of the panels as well as experiments with the panels in an outdoor test bed. The effect of dust on the performance characteristics of the panels was studied by obtaining the current-voltage characteristics of identical panels that were under the same conditions of insolation and ambient temperature, while one of the panels retained dust on its surface, and the other was cleaned of dust</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование ELECTRICAL LOAD MAPPING AND DETERMINING THE LOCATION OF THE MAIN REDUCTION SUBSTATION2024-05-30T08:40:39+00:00Barno Qurbonovabarnoqurbanova6644@gmail.comAbror<p><em>In this article</em> <em>reduction of electrical energy waste in the case of the plant's electricity consumption and</em> <em>in order to improve the efficiency indicator, a cartogram of electrical loads was built and the installation location of the head reducing padstation a was determined</em></p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образованиеКВАНТ ФИЗИКАСИДАН ВИРТУАЛ ЛАБОРАТОРИЯ ЎТКАЗИШ ҲАҚИДА2024-05-26T17:00:13+00:00Turdixol<p>Олий таълимни турли йўналишлар бўйича такомиллаштириш муаммоларини ҳар томонлама ўрганиш талабаларнинг рақобатбардошлигини оширадиган амалиётга йўналтирилган билимларга, шунингдек, инноватсион ғояларни ривожлантирувчи қобилиятларни ривожлантиришга бўлган эҳтиёжининг долзарблигини кўрсатади. Физикада ахборот технологияларидан фойдаланишнинг истиқболли йўналишларидан бири физикавий жараён ва ҳодисаларни компютерда моделлаштиришдир. “Таълим ва педагогика” мутахассисликларининг кенгайтирилган гуруҳи (таълим йўналиши – физика-математика, физика) бўйича бакалавриат дастурининг “Таълимда замонавий квант физикаси” касбий сикли модулининг апробатсияси бўйича талабаларнинг академик ҳаракатчанлигини назарда тутади. тармоқнинг ўзаро таъсири шартлари, квант физикаси бўйича моделлаштириш компютер лабораторияси семинарини жорий этиш самарадорлигини кўрсатди</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование OF OBTAINING HEAT AND ELECTRICITY FROM SOLAR ENERGY2024-05-30T08:32:05+00:00Barno Qurbonovabarnoqurbanova6644@gmail.comAbror<p><em>Today, renewable energy sources are widely used to meet the demand for thermal energy. This article presents an analysis of today's perspective projects of solar heat supply systems</em></p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образованиеРАСЧЕТ ЭЕНРГЕТИЧЕСКИХ ПАРАМЕТРОВ АВТОНОМНОЙ СОЛНЕЧНОЙ ЭЛЕКТРОСТАНЦИИ В АРНАСАЙСКОМ РАЙОНЕ2024-05-26T16:47:10+00:00Abduxoliq<p>Целью нашего исследования является разработка методики расчета мощности и энергии автономной солнечной электростанции. Для оценки эффективности использования солнечной энергии были произведены теоретические расчеты основных энергетических характеристик солнечных панелей, установленных на территории Арнасайского района Джизакской области</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование xalq og’zaki ijodi namunalaridan foydalanish2024-05-28T15:15:45+00:00Yanglish<p>Ushbu maqola fizika fanini o’qitishda mavzularni tushunarli va sodda tarzda bayon qilishga va fanni o’qitish bilan birgalikda o’quvchilarni xalq og’zaki ijodiga mehr-muhabbat bilan tarbiyalashga chorlaydi. Hozirgi zamonaviy bilimlar turli yangiliklar va texnologiyalar rivojlanishiga asoslangan. Shu bois yoshlarga ajdodlardan qolgan ma’naviy merosni fan va mavzuni tushuntirish bilan birgalikda olib borishga undaydi</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование va mikroolam qonuniyatlarining bog‘liqligini dasturiy vosita orqali kreativ yondashuv asosida o‘qitish2024-05-28T15:03:51+00:00Nozima<p>“Koinot va mikroolam qonuniyatlarining bog‘liqligini kreativ yondashuv asosida o‘qitish” – mavzuyim doirasida qilingan barcha ishlar va ma’lumotlar bilan batafsil tanishdim</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование YANGI INNOVATSION USULLARIDAN FOYDALANIB DARSLARNI TASHKIL ETISH2024-05-27T09:01:18+00:00Utkir Farmonovfarmonov-81@mail<p>Ushbu maqolada hozirgi kunda dolzarb bo`lgan ta’limning yangi innovatsion usullaridan foydalanib darslarni tashkil etrishda –interfaol va multimediali mashqlar to`plami misolida bayon etilgan. Bu Oliy ta’lim,o’rta maxsus va umumiy o`rta ta’lim maktablarining barcha fan o`qituvchilari uchun ham mos keladi</p>2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Физико-технологического образование