Under the game-based training of any subject, including the future profession,
we developed the technology of teaching, in which it is given preference to play as
the most effective form of reading. As a result of such an experimental study, in
addition to the above-mentioned characteristics, the following characteristics have
been identified that allow us to examine language and speech games as one of the
most effective factors. Due to the fact that the game is superior to the study, the
clarification of the educational process is the most effective and economical, since
in this case, as a rule, it does not require large expenses for the purchase of tools
for its support, and the form of the game itself is the closest to the real professional
conditions of future.
Key words: game technology, research games, imitation games, nonimitation games, collective activity, language games, active mastering exercises,
educational opportunities.
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Mashkhura Akhmedova
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